Thursday, January 22, 2009

CFC anew

I was just recently asked why someone would choose CFC as their schooling choice. Nearly four years now as your administrator have given me some perspective on how to answer this. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but please allow me to refresh your memory and strengthen your prejudices. I am not listing these in any particular order of importance as they are different for each family. But taken together, I just want to restate our reason for existence as a school.

As an alternative to pure home schooling, CFC removes much of the tribulation that accompanies the go-it-alone option. We offer a proven track record of curriculum selection that cuts through the hundreds of choices that can easily overwhelm any new home school family. Plus, we lead the teaching parent step by step in gradual immersion into the home school concept with lesson plans and a lead teacher who carries much of the burden. We also offer an instant network of parents along with trained teachers who are experienced both with the program and the materials. CFC, therefore, holds the hand of parents who would like to have something of the home school experience but who would otherwise be overwhelmed by the demands or decisions of pure home schooling.

We give the home school parent three mornings a week where they are free to devote some time to younger siblings or to run those many errands necessary to keep a home operating. The CFC option also affords three days a week for your children to socialize with peers which is a critical and very real need for some students. Not every child is content to spend each school day at home with mom. Through this socialization, mutually beneficial friendships develop that can span many years. We like to think that these are the friends that will prove to be encouraging to your student’s development both academically and spiritually. CFC has proved also to be a haven for many from the bullying that goes on in 5 day schools, both public and private. Such behavior is unacceptable at CFC, and I believe we have made remarkable progress in reducing conflict and ridicule to an absolute minimum over these past few years.

CFC also provides a platform for educational activities that are difficult to realize on one’s own. Daily P.E. games, field trips, spelling bees, art fairs, science and history fairs, talent shows: these are all great educational experiences that are difficult or near impossible to simulate apart from a school environment.

We offer a Christian education that says that all our subject matter should be infused with a different perspective because it begins with a distinctly different starting point. We do not define ourselves as a Christian school simply because we share a statement of faith or have devotions and chapel at regular intervals. All of our core curriculum originates from a Christian world view and therefore should have a different motivation, look, and feel than a curriculum beginning from a secular basis. We teach reading so that our students can read the Word of God for themselves along with other uplifting literature. We read for a purpose and that is to magnify everything that is pure, good, gracious, noble, and true into our souls and leave that same legacy to others through our writing.

CFC offers much greater involvement with your child’s education that the traditional day school. Students learn to depend upon their parents as they learn together. I believe that parents who are involved will communicate a whole different attitude towards learning. When children see that their parents get excited about learning, it can impart values that will serve a lifetime. I see also children bonding more closely with their parents through this shared experience. Instead of coming to see their parents as a public embarrassment, they have learned to see them as valuable coaches and mentors who are genuinely on their side.

I hope this confirms your commitment to CFC and gives you a clear focus for our raison d’etre, our reason for being.

CFC is a good deal.

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