The musings of an educator and follower of Christ on living a life defined by Mercy and Truth.
Author at site of first September massacre of the French Revolution. Man as the measure of all things leaves behind monuments such as these.
Mercy and Truth
An early product of the baby boom generation (1944), grew up a Norwegian-bachelor farmer in Illinois, late blooming scholar of eclectic tastes (degrees in art, education, Bible, and History with suppressed interests in chemistry and writing), a thoroughly remade man through 40 years of marriage, a father of three children who have provided the ultimate in educational enrichment, periodic fits and spurts of teaching experience over the years ranging from first grade art to college level history (not yet decided which was of greater significance), a person of many interests who loves to tinker in his garage as well as forage the darker side of Russian History, prefers the title ‘Renaissance Man’ to ‘jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none’ (though they may be horribly synonymous). Weaknesses: lure of the mountains on a sunny day, old compilations of Bloom County and The Far Side, Masterpiece Theatre, chocolate chips embedded in anything edible, and students who actually listen to old teachers.